Saturday, June 23, 2007

What is your dream job?

Since you are here, I assume theres some kind of writing involved (well, unless you are a looky-loo, which is OK!). If you could describe the perfect job, what would it be?

I am an active member of a forum that focuses on working at home moms. I am not fully on board with the WAHM thing, but I do find the writing moms forum there to be an exhasutive resource on writing. Many of the women there desire to stay at home with their children, but bring it "extra" money. They would probably say that WAH is their dream job.

What is yours? Do you have one?

I have struggled with this very question for close to a decade. I honestly have. After having my daughter 7 years ago, I began to consider finishing my BA. I looked into several areas...Education being one of the biggest. I knew then (and fully admit it now) that a teacher can change the world. That's almost a given. Maybe not any teacher, maybe not every teacher, but it sure is possible.

Close to ten years it's taken me to shape my purpose in life. It really has- most of my 20s. And theres been even as much soul searching AFTER I 'finished' my education as before and during.

It always comes back to this:

I want to help others. I don't want to spend my writing talent on helping someone's bottom line. I actually pretty much turned away from a position that offered just that. I had spent hours on their website trying to justify taking the job to myself. But I couldn't.

I want to write. It is my talent, my passion and my life. I am a writer. I have always been a writer.

So I want to write in a way that helps others. That's it. That's the description of my dream job.

Some of my writing with GardenWall does that, and I am happy with it. I like what I do here. I do spend a lot more time helping others bottom lines, but that's not all I do.

It's worth it.

I think that we need to fully explore what we want to do with our lives from the end backwards. I had an epiphany of sorts when my grandmother died in April, at her service. The things they said about her...made me think...What will be said about me? What do I want to be said about me?

Career wise: That I cared for others. That I used my life to help them. That I used and developed the talents I was given.